TRC - The Terrestrial Radiation Calculator

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TRC - The Terrestrial Radiation Calculator

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Sample Results

Input Data

Base Sounding: Mid Latitude Summer
    Temperature: Base Sounding
    Water Vapor: Base Sounding
    Ozone: Base Sounding
Mixing Ratios
    CO2: 400.0 ppmv
    CH4: 1.834 ppmv
    N2O: 0.328 ppmv
Spectrally varying plates
Number of Levels: 3
Levels with water: 1 and 2
Levels with ice: 3
Level altitude(s): 1.00, 4.00 and 9.00 km
Effect/Equiv radii: 8.0, 8.0 and 20.0 µm
Liquid/Ice water path(s): 8.0E-3, 8.0E-3 and
0.012 kg/m²
Optical depth(s) @0.55 µm: 1.50, 1.50 and 1.00